It's time to start your journey for a Better You!
Services available via tele-counselling, digi-counselling and in-person counselling.
This therapy is offered to an individual when he/she approaches the counselor with feelings of emotional distress, unable to overcome them and wherein it has begun to affect his/her state of life. This therapy form seeks individual sessions with the client. to best assess his individual problem areas, with no bias/external force of judgement.
This is a psychotherapy which aims to reduce distress within family members by helping them address inter-personal issue and finding the best suited-solution for peace and harmony among everyone within a homely setting. This therapy form seeks building of family dynamics in a constructive and scientifically proven manner.
Individualized Education Plan
This program is devised to guide delivery of Special Education Support for students facing learning challenges. IEP aids children studying in a mainstream school to receive tailored teaching and learning experience. Herein PHONICS is laid importance upon as a method of teaching, reading and writing of English language by understanding the sounds of phonemes.
Stress and Anxiety Management
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective forms of therapy to treat anxiety disorder. CBT focuses directly on identifying changing behavior and thoughts, which further manifest stress and anxiety within an individual’s mental space. This therapy is majorly used to address mental health problems such as depression which lead to negative thinking and thereby stress.
Psycho Educational Evaluation
This evaluation is done when the counsellor is approached by Parents or Teachers, suspecting that a student is facing certain learning issues in their academic curriculum. This evaluation can only be conducted by a certified psychologist to help identify learning disabilities, if any. This can help the parents and teachers to then devise teaching plans tailored to the student’s learning abilities.
Career and Aptitude Counseling
Career counselling is focused on helping an individual chose the right career path, basis their skill-set and exploitative abilities. This is further aided by Aptitude Testing, which help administer an individual’s aptitude towards a particular career path. Together, this helps evaluate an individual’s operational ability combined with their natural potential to perform a task.
Psychometric Assessments
Psychometric assessments are done upon the request of an Individual, Parent or a Corporate – to asses one’s innate intelligence for future prospects. These assessments identify a person’s potential by measuring against the benchmark set by the school/ employee for future admission/hiring. Most leveraged by Corporate, to assess new hires' potential vs. organizational requisites.
Educational and TTT Workshops
Educational workshops are focused to sensitise the audience towards a particular educational topic. These can be for: students, teachers, parents or a community, with the ultimate focus to promote awareness. Such as workshops on: Bullying, Cyber Crime, Board-related Anxiety Management etc. These workshops are targeted to help the audience manage these situations.